Surviving the Summer Holidays as a Working Parent
We all know how hard it is not being able to spend time with the kids on their school holidays because we’re working.
Helen Neale, owner of Kiddy Charts and stickers, has told us how she survives the Summer Holidays as a working parent:
“I work, and I work from home.
That brings with it many joys, such as being able to see my kids Sports Day last week without having to negotiate with my employer because well, that’s me, and I was happy to let me go…
However, it also brings with it many interesting challenges, particularly over that six week summer holiday period where I have to entertain the children, as well as manage the working week effectively. For my work, it’s important that I keep my website ticking over with great new content, and hit those all important freelance writing client deadlines.
For many other working parents, the challenges are similar, it’s all about getting that balance with work and time with the children right. So what are some key thoughts for surviving the summer with your kid as a working parent?
Childcare that’s right for you
Childcare is a critical part of the jigsaw. It has to work for you, the kids, and for your employer…not an easy task.
This can be especially hard when you have more than one child, as one may not like what the other does, and stubbornly refuse to have any part it. *speaks the voice of experience*
Stereotyping aside, this is often the case when you have a boy and a girl. For example, my little girl does not want to do a week of footy training…cooking, and science seem to keep them both happy, and have worked well in the past.
Don’t think that everyone is against you
Remember that MOST people are actually understanding; of course, as with everything there are those that aren’t. In these cases, we have to ride with their punches,
By and large though, unless an individual has been living under a rock for the last 30 years, or is too young to appreciate working parent challenges, then clients, customers and bosses will forgive chaos in the summer more easily than you think.
In my previous life as an analyst, I would take calls with sick kids at home as that was the only way I could continue to work. I explained this, and was always met with pleasantries, and never recriminations. If people aren’t pleasant – are they even worth wasting your energy worrying about anyway?
Your logistical headaches mean strong commitment
It’s ALWAYS worth noting to yourself that the complexities that you struggle through to get to work in the morning as a working parent…actually show how committed you are to your job. It’s easy to get one person up and get to work on time. It’s entirely a different matter to get to work when you also have to drop off at nursery, and insure that your children aren’t just going to school in their pants.
Bear this in mind when you are struggling with it all, and you should be congratulating yourself, and realising what a fantastic job you are doing holding it all together.
Most importantly, if you work from home like me, you may not have to be anywhere first thing in the morning…
That time with the kids before we get up can be so magical, it can more than make up for the childcare headaches we experience throughout the holidays.”
KiddyCharts have created a really simple summer holiday checklist to help you out as well, just make sure you are prepared, and the summer won’t be as much of a headache as you think it might be!
They have also given us 2 of their Silver Subscriptions to give away! Pop over to our Twitter to find out on how to enter!