Fun sustainable play with FREE creative downloads from Punkbox
If your kids are aged between 3 and 10 and you are looking for some fun, hands-on craft activities while they are at home, look no further than Punkbox.
With primary school-aged kids at home themselves, the founders at Punkbox know how tough it is to keep the kids entertained in these challenging times. So, as well as providing fun REUSE activity stickers in their online store, they have also created a whole range of simple and FREE eco-friendly download activities on their website for your kids to get stuck into.
Whether they want to go on safari in the back garden, be the terror of the high seas, or a magical wizard, there’s lots of fun to be had with toilet roll tubes and delivery boxes!
So, if you want them to have a little respite from the online world and discover the fun of transforming everyday packaging into fun things to play with, head over to their website and click on the ‘Subscribe for your free gift’ section! Website