Cirque Eloize – A circus like no other!
Performed by the pioneers of circus, Cirque Eloize’s ‘Saloon’ is a show like you’ve never seen before. And that Eloize, well WOW, she makes jumping out of a first floor, onto a cowboys hands look effortless! Think Indiana Jones meets Cool Hand Luke, this is one for the boys as well…
Expect Cowboys & Wild West Action, dare devil stunts, gunslingers jumping over saloon gals dancing, balancing, spinning, playing the violin singing and shooting. It’s a mesmerising fast paced journey that will have you on the edge of your seat! A mult-talented cast rumble through pathos, comedy, thrills & action during the 1 hour and 20 minute show, so a standing ovation is nothing more than well deserved.
A London West End crowd is notoriously hard to please but pleased they were… Out of the Sadlers Wells fold, the level of talent is no surprise, you’ll need to sit on your hands here as the skills spill out of every whipcrack!
Expect more ‘ye-haws’ than a hoe down, with live music & dancing that would lure the devil out of Georgia. Like Patsy herself also sang you’d be crazy to miss this!
Get 57% off tickets on LittleBird here!