7 Top Tips for Working from Home

With the vast majority of the capital now working remotely where possible, we are all feeling the hit on our productivity in the ‘workplace’. Adjusting to a new routine can be difficult at the best of times, but with the growing uncertainty around the current Coronavirus climate in the UK and the world as a whole, there is an added layer of pressure. We have rounded up 7 tips to help you to make the most of your workday.

Build a Home Office

The first step in adjusting to working from home is to designate either a room or an area in your home as your office. Whether that is a spare room or a corner of the dining room table, having an area set up specifically to get your work done will help keep your mind focused. Make sure this place is quiet and free of distractions… but there is nothing wrong with a little bit of background daytime TV!

Get a Comfy Chair

Dining room table chairs and stools are not meant to be sat on for 8 hours straight, period. 

Stick to Real Work Hours

If you are going to be working from home for an extended period of time then it is vital to stick to a schedule. Working from home does give you the flexibility to work when you are the most productive or to sort the kids out when they are at home but your mental health is important too. It is super easy to just work the day away without a break and continue to type away into your evening, but don’t! Create a healthy work schedule and stick to it. Close your laptop and turn your screen off when you are due to finish and spending the evening winding down with your family.

Make a To-Do List Every Morning

Being away from your team can make it difficult to set priorities for the day ahead. If you can jump on a Skype call first thing to outline tasks for the day then do, but be sure to keep it short and sweet so everyone can crack on with their day. If not, start your day by reviewing your upcoming deadlines and set a realistic workload to make your way through.


This may seem like the biggest perk for all new WFH’ers but you are setting yourself up for failure, the phrase ‘dress for success’ doesn’t exist for no reason! Getting up, showering and putting on some normal clothes will help get you in the right mindset for the day. Also, when those last-minute conference calls sneak into your schedule you won’t get caught short.

Stay Away from Social Media

We are all guilty of falling into the black hole of social media channels. Unless you need to use social media for work, endlessly scrolling through your feed can take hours, yes hours, out of your day before you know it. Why not try turning off your notification between work hours and only peeking into your channels at lunchtime.

Focus on your Wellbeing

Exercising, getting some fresh air and eating healthy all help to release endorphins which are vital for productivity. Being hunched over your home office desk all day can lead to a whole host of problems, so make sure to take some time out to focus on you. With easy access to the kitchen, it is tempting to reach for the snacks to keep you fueled. Making a conscious effort to whip up a healthy nutritious lunch will be beneficial on all fronts, you don’t want to end up like a couch potato when you head back to the office, do you?

Are you or anyone in your family working from home at the moment? We would love to hear your tips. Tag us on Facebook @LittleBird and Instagram @littlebirddeals for a chance to be featured on our socials! 

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