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The Real Play Coalition - To Play is to Learn

Suitable for 0-15 years

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Did you know! 56% of children continue to spend less time outdoors than maximum security prisoners in the US and it is not yet known the impact this will have on their ability to become future leaders, creators and explorers will become. The more kids play today, the more prepared future generations will be. Play is needed to endow us with leaders who can resolve conflict, problem solve, build socially connected communities and inspire society to flourish.

The Real Play Coalition was, therefore, put together to create a movement that prioritises the importance of play as not something that only lets children be children, but as something that sparks the fire for a child’s development and learning. 

Their activity finder brings you free play activities for kids of all ages and abilities –– no matter where you are or how much time you have. Whether you’re looking for indoor activities for kids, outdoor activities for kids or activities to play while you’re on the go, they can help! Click More Info to get started. 

  • Created by National Geographic, The LEGO® Foundation, Unilever's Dirt is Good and IKEA®
  • Sign up to their newsletter for fun ideas delivered right to your inbox 
  • Activities designed to let kids be kids
  • To be a superhero is to lead; to host a teddy for tea is to organise; to build a fort is to innovate: to play is to learn
  • Get kids engaging with the world and others
  • Facilitate children’s opportunities to grow and learn through play